Tuesday, May 11, 2010

yet again...to see a new comic go to razerogers.deviantart.com

Pencil Skunk 8 is up

now this strip i was stuck on i had it all wrote out and it still fits with the story i was trying to make but...its not meshing the way i wanted...its there and its mildly entertaining but thats not what im after...eh anyway give me some feedback onthere or on here...thanks!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

To make it easier....

Hey so the embed is being weird and is only showing the newest one so ....here to make it simplier for anyone that doesnt know the link to my deviant art account..ill post it...everything new goes straight there first..myspace second, and then comicspace..third..usually one right after the other so check any of em if i say theres a new one out...which there is..my first "sunday" strip of pencil skunk on here! check it out!




Friday, April 30, 2010

+ Link


...new comic space! check it out!...same stuff as all the other tho...but have at it!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010






Pencil Skunk 1

Here goes...took me along time to even get started but i have four strips done as of right now...and hopefully 2 more will follow by the end of the night...FOR those of you out there who wanna see it check it out right here!

Pencil Skunk 1 by ~RazeRogers on deviantART

Sunday, December 6, 2009


2:33 Am
It's so damn late. I'm not sure why I'm still up this late. It's really hard to sleep anymore. All I feel like doing is drawing, except when I'm sitting down drawing. It's hard to keep the concentration on a strip I'm working on, which is probably why I made a blog account here. I heard from another strip artist that it's a good idea to have a site here. I guess to promote maybe. Get a fan base possibly, maybe just to practice my artwork. Anyway I'll probably post a strip someday on here. It will be awhile. I have two weeks wrote out, i just have to throw them on photoshop for inking, and then to add text. I hope they look good and i need to work on them looking half decent for online purposes. Turns out most of all the syndicates are accepting them strictly through email now. Anyway, I'm going to finish penciling three strips and go to bed and hopefully I'll wake up before noon. Stay cool!